Some will be posted as manuscripts, some as videos, some as a mixture of both. Ya’ never know what ya’ gonna get.

Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Are you at Mary or a Martha? Well, maybe that’s the wrong question. I am worried and anxious about many things, but what is the #OneThing #Necessary ?

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Passage we have for our first reading today is the image of Jerusalem as a nursing mother and Israel as her child upon her lap. May we be brought to a place to be able to see the Church as our nursing mother and to be able to welcome others to the comfort of her lap.

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart.

The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, homily from the evening Mass on the same day that The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe V Wade. The purpose of the Christian Life far surpasses laws, our focus must always remain set of Cultural Change and the Conversion of Hearts. May human dignity be upheld everywhere! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

First Sunday of Lent.

Lent has begun.

Jesus begins this journey by heading into the desert. It's not a pleasant experience.

He's tempted. He's hungry. He's exhausted. He's alone. And yet, he resists his tempter.

For 40 days, Jesus experiences the extremes of what it means to be human and overcomes the discomfort by relying on God.

How can we use this example to come to Jesus and let go of the world?

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

For the World’s Sake, Be Holy!

This week, I had permission from the Archbishop to offer the Mass for Times of War in place of the Mass for the 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time, which is why I am vested in purple. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Ukraine. St Michael the Archangel, defend them.

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

When I said no to God.

Simon, after receiving the fish God gives him from putting out into the deep, reacts to God’s Goodness with Humility.  When they arrive back to shore, Simon says to the Lord, “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful Man.”  It is not guilt that causing Simon to say this, rather it is gratitude.  When Simon recognizes that God gave him more than he got get on his own, he says these words because he cannot hold what God gives him.  With every sin that I have committed my boat because less able to float.  With every occasion I say no to the Lord’s invitation my boat becomes smaller, I drill another hole into my boat, and it sinks more.

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