Some will be posted as manuscripts, some as videos, some as a mixture of both. Ya’ never know what ya’ gonna get.

Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Fourth Sunday in Advent.

As Christmas approaches, what if I do not feel like rejoicing. What do I do if I do not feel like celebrating Christmas. If the purpose of the coming of Christ at Christmas is that there is joy brought to the world, what do I do to get this joy that I do not sense of feel?

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Father, how do I deal with having a weak Faith? What can I do to strengthen my Faith and become happier? Here is a good method!

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Twenty Second Sunday of Ordinary Time.

To be humble is to live out your identity as a beloved child of the Heavenly Father. It is the Father who gives invite and honor to sit at the table of the Banquet of the Lamb.

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Enter through the narrow Gate, Thank God for corrections and invitations to conversion when they come.

Isaiah 66:18-21
Hebrews 12:5-7
11-13Luke 13:22-30

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

We cannot afford to be concerned and caught up with our preferences, desires, money, popularity, or prestige. We must rather become caught up with our pursuit of God, which is our pursuit of Happiness.

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Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

After going off to pray, Jesus teaches His Disciples how to pray. One key importance in the life of prayer is Humility, prayer is meant to change me, not to change God. I must become malleable in God's hands.

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