The Effects of Prayer

A huge thank you to our parish! Over 40 people came on Monday Evening to pray for an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on our Parish. It was an incredible night of adoration, meditation, communion with the Lord, communion with each other.Since that Holy Hour Monday evening, our Parish has bgun to open up to the promptings of the Spirit. At the Holy Hour we prayed together that the Holy Spirit of God would send us a new encounter with the Holy Spirit and a renewed openness and receptivity to what He wants to accomplish in our lives and in the life of the Parish, herself. The floodgates of the Graces of that night of prayer are only just beginning to open.

Please continue to pray, surrender to God, and meditate, allowing God to reveal Himself to you, and to others through you.

Consider attending on Monday, November 7th when we will hold our Next Holy Hour of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray that God frees us from what blocks us from uniting to Him. Offer some small penance (Like a Lenten "giving up something") asking that God continues to direct the Parish and free her members from what ensnares them. Here again is the steps to the guided Holy Hour should you choose to pray this way on your own:

Get rid of your phone,

  • Pray some sort of formal prayer

    • I always start with a portion of the Liturgy of the Hours, such as Morning Prayer.

  • Move from formal prayer into meditative prayer

    • pray the Rosary, pray the Jesus Prayer, or do some Lectio Divina with the Gospel for that day or the coming Sunday. (There are word among us books in the Church where you can find those readings)

  • Then speak to the Lord about those you promised to pray for

    • or for whom you now feel called to pray for.

  • Maybe then go through what you have coming that day or in the near future

    • invite the Lord into your life, ask Him what He wants you to do.

  • Keep a prayer journal and write down everything that you felt moved to think on during that time of prayer

  • Do this every day and watch God transform your life.


Why we MUST pray for the dead.


How to Pray for a Whole Hour and Why.