Caring for the Homeless

This week I would like to discuss 4 of the 7 corporal works of mercy, with an emphasis on welcoming the stranger, or homeless. These works are listed in the Catechism #2447, based on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 25:35-36:

“For I was hungry, and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, a stranger and you welcomed Me, naked and you clothed Me…”

I want to provide some practical ways of serving based on these acts that the Lord has shown. If you see someone with a sign that says ‘hungry’, buy them a meal if you are able to. Serve the people the Lord has invited you to serve. Simply buying or preparing a meal for those in need is a way we can serve and show love. Volunteer with the parish when they serve food. This does not necessarily mean just the homeless, but anyone who is in need of food or drink. Inviting people to your home for dinner is a great way to get to know others and to be able to serve. Clothing those in need can be simple, such as giving to groups in your parish or diocese that distribute clothing. Maybe you encounter someone with few clothes on the street, especially in the winter; this is a great opportunity to go to the store or your home and give to them. “He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food must do likewise.”

Lastly, welcoming the stranger and sheltering them. Simply being nice to the person on the street and showing them love is a great start. The person who is homeless has dignity just like you and me and it is a tragedy when they are treated as just a part of the landscape. Many homeless do not hear their own name. Introduce yourself, smile, wave, ask how their day is going. We get uncomfortable at the poverty and the risk and the smell, yet, a kind gesture is free to give. We all want to love and to be loved, how much more the homeless who are starved for connection? These are all simple ways to spread the love of Christ. Get to know the homeless shelters and other resources in your area and where you can point those in need. A great resource for those wanting to learn more about homeless ministry is Christ in the City ( Their example has helped me in my own journey to serve our friends in need and to get out of my comfort zone. I will say, never should you feel obligated to stay in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation. Use your intuition and be smart when serving people. If you are visiting the homeless and walking on the street, I recommend having someone with you. Again, Christ in the City has great tips for encountering the homeless on their website. We must see how important it is to serve those in need. Many times, these are the homeless. Love them, ask their name, look them in the eyes. Give them a hug! “What you did to the least of these, you did to Me.”

“Many people talk about the homeless, but few talk to them.”- St. Mother Teresa.


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