What is Last Rites?

Why am I writing this today?

Perhaps the most mis-understood liturgical rites of the Catholic Church is what many people call last rites. In the last several weeks, I have had the duty and privilege of receiving several emergency calls. This week alone, I have run to the hospital twice after receiving a call that someone was actively dying. Expectedly, when I was still assigned to St Bede in Montgomery, I received emergency calls far more often than I do now. I have administered 'last rites' 6 times in the last month, representing the majority of instances of this in my 2 years here.

So what is "Last Rites"?

With any liturgical action in the Catholic Church, the action is called a rite. A rite is the ritual procedure and formula that the priest follows to lead prayer; bless people, places, and things; and confer the Sacraments. what is referred to as the "last rites" is the final time a person receives the rites of Confession, Anointing of the Sick, and Eucharist in this life.

So what is "Anointing of the Sick"?

Anytime a person is in danger because of ill health or injury, they ought to call on the priests to have them anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can, and in certain cases, be repeated. This Sacrament confers on the person the Grace of Forgiveness of Sins, a healing of the soul, and a consecration of their sufferings to the sufferings of Christ. As the Anointing forgives sins, it is expected that should the person recover, they seek Sacramental Confession as soon as possible. Anoining of the Sick is NOT to be considered "Last Rites" until the person passes. Since it can be repeated, we do not know if it is truly "last rites" until death has occurred.

What is a Sacramental Emergency?

A Sacramental Emergency is when it becomes necessary to call the priest for an immediate visit. My rule here is that if you are severely ill, tell me. If you go yourself, or bring someone else to the hospital, or call an ambulance, call the emergency line, immediately and repeatedly, until I answer. If I do not answer, call again, leave a message, and call again.If you think a person is particularly in danger of death, call me! When in doubt, call me! I need to know! Just because it is a Sacramental Emergency, does not mean that the person will receive last rites. It DOES mean that they will be offered confession, anointing, and Eucharist, depending on their ability to receive.

Is it really necessary to tell my pastor if I am ill?

YES! As your pastor, I am your father. I care for you, want to pray for you, and desire to bring you Sacraments. Just tell me when you are ill, and I will make sure you receive the proport pastoral care.




Joy through Cross and Sorrow.