High Mass & the Precious Blood

Several people have requested that we return to offering the Precious Blood at Mass. I am writing this because I have spent much time praying and reflecting on this request, and I would like to be completely transparent about my thoughts.

People often ask, "Why can't we have the wine?" regarding the Chalice. However, we must correct this language to resume distributing from the Chalice. When we receive the Blessed Sacrament, we receive the Lord's Holy Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, not just bread and wine. Since the entirety of the Lord is present under both the Host and Chalice, it is not necessary to receive both species to have received the fullness of the Blessed Sacrament. As Catholics, we believe that the Sacrament is genuinely transubstantiated, which means it ceases to be bread and wine and is now truly the Lord Himself, made really present. The Eucharist is not just a symbol; it's a physical reality.

Second, the Precious Host is often taken haphazardly, meaning speedily or without proper reverence. My concern is that the Chalice will also be taken haphazardly, which could lead to the Precious Blood spilling on the floor.

Finally, it remains a consistent challenge to schedule people to cantor, lector, altar serve, and usher at Mass; the Chalice will add to the number of people needed for each Mass. With all my concerns weighed out, there is still more value to returning to the distribution of the Precious Blood.

Therefore, I have decided that we will offer one "High Mass" each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. By "High Mass," I mean three differences from the other Masses:

  • The choir will sing.

  • We will use incense.

  • Four Chalices will be made available for the Laity.

As the Pastor appoints Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, whose status does not carry between parishes, I will make appointments in the next few weeks and lead them through proper training. As with lectors, this is not a volunteer position but an appointed ministry.

We will begin our new "High Mass" practice on Holy Thursday, March 28th, at the 6:00 p.m. Mass. For Easter, the "High Mass" will be the Easter Vigil at 8:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday, March 30th. We will continue this practice with the "High Mass" at the 10:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday of Easter, ending on Pentecost Sunday, May 19th. We will make it a permanent practice if it goes well throughout Easter.


The fullness of Symbols, Incense, &Return of the Chalices


Do I Need to Appease God