The Light Breaks the Darkness.


The Light has Broken the darkness to pieces.  This event we Celebrate this night and every year, this historical reality of God in the Flesh is not to be made into a sweet, domesticated, and nostalgic event.  This great night, this Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the Womb of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the Flesh.  Many times we think of the birth of the Christ like the picture above.  What we fail to see, however, is that this sweet birth of the Lord in a manger rips the entire created order apart and recreates us.

People tend to argue that Christmas is too commercialized whatever they mean by that.  I argue that it is more appropriate to celebrate with gifts, parties, meals, toasts, music, decorations, hallmark specials and fun.  Why not let the whole world celebrate the arrival of the Savior, even if they don't understand what they celebrate.  What a tool for Evangelization!  The world looks different in the days leading to Christmas.  What does need to change, however, is the timing.  Christmas begins now and is celebrated through the Baptism of the Lord, which is the Sunday after Epiphany, or January 9th this year.

Christmas too needs to be given its proper place. This day we celebrate is a distinct day from all other days.  This day is when God enters His creation.  This day is the day when God takes on flesh.  This day is the day that the invisible God is made visible.  This day is the day that God changes the world, and invites us to enter His life, His grace, and achieve our joy.

He is made visible that we may see Him.  He draws near to us that we may draw near to Him.  Don't waste this hallowed day and blessed season.  Pray with new fervor.  The darkness of the world is illuminated by His light, where will YOUshine it?


Feast of the Holy Family and Baptism.