New Family Formation Nights!

Announcing a small but impactful change coming to Saint Pius on October 8th! Family Formation Night. We will now invite all parishioners to Saint Pius for various formation opportunities every Tuesday evening. Here is a sample of the schedule for a Tuesday Evening:

5:30 pm - 6:30 (1st Tuesdays only) Family Pot Luck

6:00 pm - 8:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6:00 pm - 7:30 Youth Group 6th through 12th Grade

6:30 pm - 7:30 OCIA (formerly RCIA)

7:40 pm - 8:00 Night Prayer all together

This is a trial, and so it will most likely change over time. The Youth Group is unchanged, except for eating with the rest of the Parish at the potluck on the first Tuesday of every month. OCIA will now be meeting on Tuesday evenings moved from Sunday mornings. As a reminder, OCIA is open to everyone, not only those interested in joining the Church. Topics will rotate and will be announced ahead of time. Adoration will continue as we have been doing since Lent of last year. Finally, we want to invite everyone to pray together at the end of the evening as we all pray night prayer together at 7:40 and conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

CONFIRMATION - the requirements for Confirmation will be met through Family Formation Night this year.

Must be:

Junior in High School, parishioner of Saint Pius, and at least one of the following:

  • Participate in Family Formation Night, either Youth Group or OCIA

  • Enrolled in McGill-Toolen Catholic High School

  • Enrolled in an approved Catholic Homeschool Curriculum

We hope these evenings will help our people grow deeper in their knowledge of the Faith, love of God, devotion to the spiritual life, unity in prayer, and shared friendship as the people of God. Invest in the Parish in prayer, formation, and fellowship. Do not be misled; we need you! Your presence blesses the parish and helps others in their life of Faith. Because this is new and a trial, I am looking for suggestions; how can we make these nights even better? Please email me with your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions.

Finally, this new Family Formation Night will open us to an additional time for Confessions:

Sunday Mornings 9:30 - 10:15, beginning Sunday, October 6.


Visiting the Sick and Imprissoned