Praying with Audacity.

Be Audacious enough to pray directly to God with what you are asking.  Prayer is not something that we just casually let drift in and our of our lives. I often relate what a "good" prayer life looks like to what a "good" marriage or friendship looks like.  If in any relationship we just call it "good enough" casually spend time together, but never have a real conversation or do anything more than simply sit together, that relationship will struggle.  Sometimes it is good to simply sit together with a friend, but a friendship has to be more robust than that.  On the other hand, we have all likely experienced that one friend that we can never get in a word edgewise, they just keep talking and never listen to what we have to say.  And so, neither would we consider that the greatest of friendships.  However, a good friendship is one where the other knows who I am, they know my faults, my weaknesses, my shortcomings, my strengths, my interests, and my desires, and they love me, all of me. That requires that other person to know me.

Our relationship with God is more important than anything we experience in relating to another human being.  Take the time for prayer, not just to be passively aware that He is there, but take the time to get to know Him.  Go back to the Advent books and learn to sit in silence with the Scriptures and hear Him.  Spend at LEAST 10 minutes each day doing nothing other than praying.  Yes, pray when you drive, garden, shower, work around the house, and go about your day, but also pray for and with intimacy.  Give God your undivided self. Give God your full attention, mind, and heart.  When you pray, pray boldly and with audacity.  Dare to call God your Father.  Dare to tell God your struggles, sadness, and anger.  Dare yo share your joys and your gratefulness.  Dare to ask directly for what you need and want.

Dare to pray.


How do I ‘Hear’ God?


The Importance of Tradition.