Why do Spiritual Consolation and Desolation Matter? pt 6.

Over the last several weeks, I have written a very condensed version of the concepts of Consolation and Desolation as the pertain to the Spiritual Life. However, I have now realized that I have never presented the case as to why it would matter to pay attention to these things. After all, no matter what state I am in, shouldn't I be praying and adhering to the Sacraments?

Well, yes!

Yet, we are called to so much more. We are called by God to become friends of God. We are called by God to enter into an intimate union with His Triune Being.

The Christian Life is this way of being that is meant to transform every part of our person. Everything in this world that is worth pursuing and worth investing into ought to cause us pause to sit and reflect. If something is going to challenge me to grow, to change, to become a come well rounded human being, it then demands of me time in reflection, effort, patience, consideration, discernment, openness, and introspection.

Every now and then, take time to read your spiritual vital signs. Do your examination of conscience, reflect on your day to acknowledge where and how God was present to you. Reflect on where you were unfaithful to Him. Consider everything that you do and answer the question about each, "Did that bring me joy, hope, and life; did it move me to charity and Love for God and God's people.

If we take time every so often to understand in our lives the movements of Consolation and Desolation, the ebb and flow of our relationship with God, then we will be able to see clearly how to grow in intimacy and depth of relationship with God. If I understand the times of Consolation and Desolation that I experience, I am equipped then, to know if I am truly a friend of God, and where I can become a more intimate friend.

I would encourage you to keep going with this understanding of the patterns in the Spiritual Life. These articles have been a skimming of the surface. The majority of what I have written comes from the book,

The Discernment of Spirits by Ft Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.


Time to move on from Baby Food.


The Queen-Mother.