In Consolation? Prepare for Battle! Pt 5.

While you are in Consolation, take time to prepare to be in Desolation. It is nearly impossible to keep the Faith when in the pains of desolation if not prepared for it ahead of time. One of the main strategies owe ought to adopt for this preparation is prayer. Petition God directly to strengthen your Faith where it is weak. Take a long and honest look at your life of Faith, name for yourself the sins you struggle against regularly, where in your life do you need to grow in charity, which virtues do you need to strengthen (prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and charity) what is your habit of prayer, and are you faithful to it? Examine all these things, but then also examine in your life where your mind is captivated, your time spent, your efforts offered; asking yourself whether or not these things are properly ordered within you.

To put simply, prepare for war!

The spiritual life is a battle, and we too quickly dismiss this as being overly spiritual or we doubt that the fight is real. While we are in a state of Spiritual Consolation we are in a period of peace where we are blessed with the opportunity to bind the wounds of the previous battle, to strengthen our armor, to restock our weapons and munitions, regain our strength, rest and regain our energy. When we feel the sweet warmth of God’s presence, do everything to hang onto to it and ready yourself for its departure.

Pray these words, “God strengthen my Faith, help me to see the weakness of my sin, show me where you want me to grow, guide me to be the person you created me to be, prepare me for when Faith becomes difficult to live.

Take time in your mediations to plan and consider what will help you in your desolations. For me, one of the best tools is to establish a plan, a routine, a rhythm. While in Consolation, these things are far easier to establish, and I know that if they are established in Consolation, they will be natural to hold onto in Desolation and give me the foundation needed to remain faithful, even when God feels distant.

Take time to look back through previous Spiritual Seasons in your life. Journal and pay attention to how you have grown to this point. Ask God to reveal to you how He has provided for your life up to this point and ask Him for understanding in how you have progressed and grown to this point. Look and see where God has lead you, thank Him for what you have received.

Make a resolution now, that when Desolation comes, you will make no changes. Make the resolution now, while in Consolation, that you will remain Faithful.

To be continued…


The Queen-Mother.


Thank You.