Thank You.

This week I am going to take a short break from the series on Consolation and Desolation to say thank you. Over the last few months I have been working to plan and prepare a 7 course meal for 200 people to raise money for Seminarian Education. I need to say thank you. Many of you grew and donated basil to contribute to this meal, all of you were patient with me as I stepped back from the parish to spend time working on this, Frances Morris rolled 1257 pieces of Gnocchi by hand, and most of all, Josh Beaman spent gave an incredible amount to of time to grocery shopping, prepping, planning, and executing a delicious and difficult meal.

It is incredible to see so many people gathered to support the education of our future priests. It is incredible to see how many people, including people of our parish, contribute to such a large fundraising for the education of our seminarians.

I hope to take a lot of this experience back to our parish and create events and dinners to strengthen our parish community and unite us as God's family within this parish.

Again, thank you for supporting this great evening with our seminarians.


In Consolation? Prepare for Battle! Pt 5.


Consolation Continued, Pt. 4