Investing in the Parish


Right now, we face the reality that our school cannot pay its bills. Bear in mind that most Catholic schools cannot be completely self-sufficient, as they would require a tuition rate most Catholic parents could not afford. It is important to also bear in mind that a Catholic school is not a business that exists to earn a profit; it is a ministry offered by the parish.We should always expect the parish to subsidize the school.

Parish Money & Vision

We are in a financial status where the parish is not bringing in enough money to cover the entirety of the school’s deficit. Without the cost of the school, our parish would be in a financial position to do and accomplish almost anything. Often, we in the Church’s leadership can get caught up in the financial burden of the institution, and our entire mode of thinking is wrapped up in money. Instead of fixating on the financial need, I suggest we look for new ideas for spreading the Gospel, growing our parish family, and convincing others of the value of the Catholic Education received at our school. In accomplishing the mission of the Church, we can be confident that God will raise up generous people to provide the resources for proper evangelization. Instead of trying to raise enough money to stay open, let’s invest in the future; let’s set a plan in motion to convert hearts and evangelize! There are three points to this end:

1. Fundraisers

Two of our school’s most helpful fundraisers are coming this month: the Auction on April 13th and the Golf Tournament on April 28th. Please be generous to these two events and encourage others to do the same. Even if you cannot attend or contribute, the power of your invitation is essential. Remember, we aren’t just raising money but building the Kingdom of God here in our Parish and School. Be on the lookout for more information; we will host a 4-course Italian meal and wine tasting this Summer as a fundraiser for the Parish.

2. School Secretary

Mrs. Karen Cunill is retiring at the end of this school year. We are grateful for all her hard work during her time here. This position is more significant than we may first imagine. It is the front line for our school in many ways; it is the first contact many people have with the school and is a hub for communication and finance. Help us find the right person who loves our school to fill this position for the next school year.

3. New Position! Catechesis and Evangelization

We have people in place now to run the school, the Church business, and the facilities. Where we are lacking is ministry. I am creating a new position to hire a layperson to be the head and coordinator of OCIA, CCD, Youth Group, Adult Education, Events, and efforts of Evangelization. I am not, in any way, stepping back from these ministries, but I am looking for a full-time person to help me and improve our Parish’s ability to spread the Gospel

I Ask You

I ask each of you to pray that God’s Will is done. We are handing out prayer cards, and I am asking you to pray daily through the beginning of next Advent. Ask God to send the right people to give wisdom to everyone involved and to the people of this Parish. Get creative. Be Generous. Encourage Others. Invite Outsiders. This effort will take significant resources, time, talent, and treasure. This plan will take more money. If you are not already giving regularly, please start.If you can give more, please do so. If you have fundraising ideas, e-mail me. Together, we can make Saint Pius X Parish a Saint Factory.


Inviting the Holy Spirit


The fullness of Symbols, Incense, &Return of the Chalices