Inviting the Holy Spirit

In the Wedding Feast at Cana, Jesus provides a divine wine after the good, but earthly wine has run dry. To begin the wedding celebrations, the family provided the best of what they could provide. They threw a fantastic party; the scriptures even state that everyone present at the wedding had consumed all that was laid out. When the good wine runs out, Jesus steps in, at His mother’s request, to provide for the good times to continue. Notice, however, that the Lord does not intervene immediately; He waits until the people have given all they have and until someone asks Him to step in. What Jesus provides is more excellent than anyone could have ever dreamed. He gives the best wine the sommelier has ever tasted after all the people have been drinking and would have clouded palates.

Allow this to apply to our parish. We have built something great. We have something beautiful to offer to the Lord. We have a wonderful and loving community, a great school, uplifting liturgies, deep bonds, and generous hearts. Yet, everything we have and could build will always pale compared to what the Lord will provide. Now is the time to turn to the Holy Spirit before the wine has run out. Now is the time to invite Him into this place, this parish, and this school. Now is the time to surrender to His will. Pour your hearts out and onto this altar. Invest your heart, spirit, time, talent, ideas, money, and your entire self into this place. Let us offer the best of what we have to the life of this Parish, and together, let us go to the Lord asking for the Divine Wine.

Knowing that the Lord will intervene, trust Him. Trust that He will provide for more than what we need; He will provide for us to thrive and save souls. With your whole hearts, I implore you to pray with me the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, surrendering the Parish to the hands of the Blessed Mother. Pray our Parish’s prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for a new outpouring. And when you are here, give the Lord your whole self. Be bold in your faith. Become Saints.


An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit


Investing in the Parish