An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Where is the Holy Spirit? He is found by looking for His fruits. In my own life, the parish around me, my family, and unexpected places in the world. Looking for these fruits is an excellent method for an examination of conscience. Properly understood, a good examination is not just a list of my sins and shortcomings but also an examination of how the Lord is working in my life and how I am conforming my life to the Lord by examining where in my life the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are present and where they need to be strengthened. Often, we will naturally have particular fruits that are stronger than others.


Not the same as niceness, kindness is having a warm and friendly disposition to another person. Where niceness avoids uncomfortable situations and conversations, kindness finds its motivation in love. Kindness seeks what is good for a person, all the while maintaining that same warm and friendly disposition to the other. The Holy Spirit, Himself, is warm; coldness is evidence of His absence.


The antidote to selfishness, generosity empties the self of pride. Beyond childlike sharing, generosity comes from the understanding that what I have belongs not to me but to the Kingdom of God. It’s not about merely letting go of things and wealth but is about a


Simply put, loyalty. Remain faithful, no matter what. When times are hard or things are going poorly, stay put and work on personal holiness. Remaining steadfast gives us the capacity to change the world around us.


Rooted in humility, love, concern, and meekness. Gentleness is the demonstration of how God interacts with us.


Saint Paul’s famous quote, “I do what I do not want to do, and I do not do what I want to do,” is a great admission of lacking this fruit. When the Holy Spirit dwells in me, I no longer am enslaved to my own desires, I can let go and allow Him to direct me.


Consider Agape Love, a love that is self-sacrificial and more concerned with the beloved than the one doing the loving. This love does not see itself but looks to the other. It has the power to transform relationships, communities, and even the world. Can you imagine the impact of such love in your life?


Distinct from happiness, joy is an internal contentment that cannot be shaken. It is the ability to smile and project positivity in adversity. It comes from being in right relationship with God.


The inner harmony we seek is the peace that comes from our adherence to actual justice. This peace is the security that flows from an intimacy with God. In this state, there is no need to rise to anger or to feel threatened by another person. We can find solace in knowing that we are right with God and are doing the right thing. Can you feel the peace that comes from this assurance?


To be able to suffer without complaint. There is always something to complain about, but there are infinitely more things to be happy about. Many things can provoke a response from us, but we do not have to allow them to.

Looking at your own life and reflecting on how these gifts are either present or lacking gives valuable insight into how God is present in your life. Pick the one that is the most lacking, ask the Holy Spirit to fill it up, and seek to practice that fruit. The path to holiness is long, but the journey of holiness is life's greatest journey. Allow the Spirit of God to dwell in you.


Moving out of Holy Spirit’s Way


Inviting the Holy Spirit