Moving out of Holy Spirit’s Way

The Holy Spirit of God pours Himself onto us to grant us His sevenfold spirit. At Confirmation, the Bishop (or Priest) asks the Father to give the Confirmandi the spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgment, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence, and Wonder and Awe.” This sevenfold spirit is how we are to live our lives.


This is the ability to view the world through God's eyes and mind so that we can act and direct everyday human affairs according to God's will and mind.


An insight that goes beyond ordinary observation. This gift penetrates past the surface of all things and allows the person to see God.

Right Judgment

Allows the person to live in a way that directs him to salvation in God and to help others pursue the same salvation.


The gift of firmness, though not rigidity. It is the strength and ability to avoid evil and to do good, particularly when it is difficult or dangerous.


The ability to judge, to know right from wrong. Not simply putting labels on things but knowing how to maintain authentic justice. Not concerned with fairness, but with justice, giving to each his due.


The ability and desire to be right with God. To show fear of God, not by being afraid, but through a healthy respect, knowing that He is God and I am not. The dedication to showing acts of piety, a proper genuflection and sign of the cross, or a respectful quiet in sacred places.

Wonder and Awe

We are not afraid of God, we are afraid of separation from God. We fear punishment because we love God enough to have an aversion to being separated from Him. We are captivated by His eternal goodness.

Just as the fruits of the Spirit discussed last week, the gifts of the Spirit, the sevenfold gift, is a wonderfully effective examination of conscience. All seven gifts were granted to us in Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation. However, as with any gift, we have to open, unpack, and use them. Which gifts are active in my life, and which are more lacking?Choose one gift, ask God to strengthen its presence in your life, and practice it so that it may take root. Get out of the Holy Spirit’s way.


A New Second Collection


An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit