A New Second Collection

We have decided to change how we collect the second collection. Having a second collection basket passed around every Sunday can become overbearing, and it can also become hard to keep up with knowing where these collections go. The solution I will institute will reduce the number of collections, give better clarity about their purpose, and hopefully direct funds to where they are most needed in the parish.

The first significant change is that a second collection will only be taken up on each month's first and third Sunday. On the first Sunday, the second will go to the Building Fund. On the third Sunday, the second collection will go to the school. The three most significant expenses in our parish are school payroll, property and liability insurance, and maintenance of our facilities. In making this change to the second collection, I hope we can direct funds appropriately to where they are most needed.

The second significant change is the addition of the four money drop boxes mounted to the wall in the vestibule outside the cry room. Each drop box has a label that clarifies where funds are being directed: Main Collection, Building & Roof Fund, School, and Special. You are welcome to use these boxes at any time. The fourth box, which says “Special,” will rotate between different recipients. When there is a scheduled special collection, this box will be labeled to reflect which fund it is for.

For those who are using the boxes of envelopes, you can place those envelopes in any basket, collection, or drop box, and they will be counted for the fund presented on the envelope.

Hopefully, this will clarify any confusion that occurs with the second collections, simplify the concluding rites of Mass, and direct funds more appropriately to our three greatest expenses: our school, maintenance of our buildings, and property insurance.


The Eucharist, the Fulfillment of all Desire.


Moving out of Holy Spirit’s Way