The Eucharist, the Fulfillment of all Desire.

The Eucharist Itself:

The Eucharist, the pinnacle of the universe, holds a beyond-measure significance. It is the force that keeps the cosmos intact, the balm that heals all wounds, the forgiveness that absolves all sins, the bond that unites all people, the celestial union of heaven and earth, and the ladder to the divine. To truly understand and appreciate the Eucharist, we must embrace two intertwined realities: the external elevates human rituals and heart matters.

Matters of the Heart:

  • The Eucharist must always become the heart of who I am.

  • When we find ourselves entangled in sin, our instinct is to focus on it, much like staring at a bear when we're trying to escape. But just as we seek refuge from a bear, we should direct our focus towards the Lord, not the sin or distractions that surround Us.

  • Understand that the Eucharist is indeed the fulfillment of all desire. All else is a deception. Focus on the Eucharist and seek Him, knowing that it is He whom you desire.

Externals and Rituals:

  • We must constantly be reminded of these seemingly small and mundane practices. Come to Mass early, just 5 or 15 minutes.

  • Give yourself a moment to recollect and obtain an interior quiet.

  • Remember that Confession is available six days a week.

    • (T - 6:00 am; W, TH, F - 6:45 am; S - 3:00 pm; S - 7:00 am) or by appointment (

  • When sin has built up in my soul, it interferes with my ability to hear God’s voice; please take advantage of the availability.

  • As you approach to receive the Eucharist, remember the significance of this moment. It's not a time for socializing, but a time to focus on the Great Sacrament we are about to partake in.

  • Receive intentionally, carefully with two hands, or humbly on the tongue.

    • Place your dominant hand underneath the other, allowing the Sacred Host to be placed carefully.

      • Please be careful to consume the host before stepping away from the minister.

      • Please do not receive the Eucharist with covered hands, one-handed, or with dirty hands.

      • If your hands are dirty or you are carrying children, canes, walkers, etc., please receive on your tongue instead.

    • If receiving on the tongue, open your mouth wide and allow your tongue to stick out.


Mercy for the Dead


A New Second Collection