Be a Man!
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Be a Man!

It takes bravery to lead a family into virtue and away from the vices the world erroneously values. It takes a man to shake off his sin a sloth and join a bible study, prayer group, attend morning Mass during the week, pray with his wife and children daily. It takes a real man to become vulnerable and to share his Faith with those who need to hear it.

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5 Years a Priest
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

5 Years a Priest

The biggest lesson that I have learned as a priest is the importance of humility. Those times when I have made decisions without prayer, things don't tend to go well, the seasons of my life where prayer has taken a back seat, I have lost my peace, the periods I have lived my life based on my own desires, I am left wanting more. Yet the times I have placed my relationship with God first, I have seen him operate in, through, and for me, I have been filled with His peace, I have been able to finally rest, I have found joy.

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Is a Sin just a Sin?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Is a Sin just a Sin?

I have frequently preached on Mortal Sin and the Sacrament of Confessions. Recently, it has been pointed out to me that I have not directly defined Mortal Sin, Venial Sin, or how to know which you have been guilty of. Mortal Sin is exactly what it sounds like, it is sin that causes death.

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Importance of Holy Week
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Importance of Holy Week

For us who consider ourselves followers of Christ, these are the days which hold the most significance to our Faith. One of the most important ways to bring people in the Kingdom of God is to live your life in the Kingdom with strength and firmness. If this Faith is indeed important, then I ought to live my life in a way that respects and shows that reality. Very few people will want to join something that member treat with lax efforts. When people see people living with intention and passion, it becomes at least attractive enough to investigate. When we live our lives with Passion, we will turn people off and draw others in. When we live our lives haphazardly, no one will care.

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How to Meditate!
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

How to Meditate!

Meditation seems to be helping so many people. How can it help me? Should I learn to meditate? Is there such a thing as Christian Meditation?

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Is Holding a Grudge Hurting Me?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Is Holding a Grudge Hurting Me?

When we harbor un-forgiveness, what he tend to hold onto inside is not the anger itself, or the spirit of justice; rather we hold onto the hurt and pain. We tend to not want to forget too quickly the damage that another person has caused us. So we cling to the pain. Clinging to the pain becomes an almost insurmountable block to hear God's voice. As we grasp with might to the pain, we loose our ability to love. We can become obsessed with holding tight to the our sense of being wronged and needing to make it right. What we need is the freedom to love; to love God, other people, and even ourselves.

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Why should I Give Alms?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Why should I Give Alms?

Almsgiving is necessary to let go of the lust of the eyes, the desire for possessions. Lent is the time of year where the Church calls us back to what we should already be busy about doing, the three principles of Lent are the three principles of progessing in the Spiritual Life. They all three have purpose and function. The fruit of Almsgiving is that we can let go more perfectly of the worldly pleasure to which we have become addicted. If I cannot control my lust for stuff, I should be charitable.

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Why should I Fast?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Why should I Fast?

It is sometimes recommended that we should fast (especially for Lent) from sinful behaviors instead of food or other good pleasures. However, this is a misses the mark of understanding of human nature. If I cannot deny myself the pleasure of candy, dessert, alcohol, etc, how could I possibly have enough will power to overcome gossip, obscenity, sexual sin, or other addictive sins.

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Introduction - Why Pray?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Introduction - Why Pray?

This is the purpose of all Christians, that we cultivate our own personal holiness. Holiness is not reserved for clergy and religious, but is the purpose for which we were each created. Jesus is calling His followers to a higher standard of life, calls them to take the minimal requirement of the Law and dig deeper, pursuing perfection. Throughout the Scriptures, it is evident that each person is called to holiness, that is to say, an intimate life with God. Prayer, and deep … See more

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10 Ways to Make a Better Confession.
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

10 Ways to Make a Better Confession.

In my experience, people tend to get nervous about going to Confession because they are afraid of not knowing what to do. Below are a few tips from my own experience and the experience of a few other priests.

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The Joy of Sacrifice.
Prayer Father Nicholas Napolitano Prayer Father Nicholas Napolitano

The Joy of Sacrifice.

Allow Lent to be the intense season of Spiritual Renewal and Earthly Desert that it is meant to be. Throughout the Season of Lent we as a Parish will have so many incredible resources for you. Every Monday there will be a Holy Hour coupled with group prayer and prayer ministry that will be the sort of practicum for the book study we will have on Thursdays. We will be reading and studying together the new book by Dr Brandt Pitre, Introduction to the Spiritual Life.

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Naked, but at Peace.
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Naked, but at Peace.

Jesus continues, "Neither do I."  Her universe crashes.   A sense of relief only to be mixed and confused with a sense of unworthiness.  "Go and sin no more."  With these simple words, Jesus dismisses her.  What could have been the worst day of her life has turned into the day of her salvation.  Not only has she been saved by this encounter with Jesus, she has been changed for greatness.  She has been called by Christ to move out of her sinfulness, told she is worthy of being shown mercy.  Jesus, with eyes filled with eternal self sacrificing love, looks deeply into her soul, He sees her sin, her woundedness, her scars, her pain, her turmoil, her self loathing, her guilt, her shame.  He sees it all, and He loves her.  He sees it all, there she stands naked before her God, and He sees it all.  And yet, He loves her, forgives her, and calls her to follow Him all the more.

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Catholic Mardi Gras.
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Catholic Mardi Gras.

The floats in the Mardi Gras Parades would traditionally be built to represent the pagan gods, yet they would be 'boarded' by the Christians who would throw their treasures to the Christians in the streets below. This would symbolize the newly visible God was the Lord of lords and God of gods.  That the Christian God was indeed to the Master of all the cosmos.

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Help Me!
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Help Me!

In your life, work as if the wolrd depends on you, but pray like it dfepends on God. Begin your day, every day in Scripture and in prayer. Read the Gospel for the day, let God speak to you about that Gospel, tell God what you have that day and ask for His guidance. Allow the Lord Jesus to be your savior, do not attempt to take that job onto yourself.

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Dry January?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Dry January?

It seems to me that the concepts of Dry January and Meatless Monday are praiseworthy in concept, but misguided in practice. It is good for a person to practice things of self mastery and self denial such as fasting and Abstinence.  Yet, it is more powerful when practiced for a sound reason. Fasting from alcohol after overconsumption, while good is not ideal.  Abstaining from meat for the sake of creation is good, but not ideal.  Catholic have had practices like this for millennia.

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How do I ‘Hear’ God?
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

How do I ‘Hear’ God?

In a world where there is noise, distraction, corruption, turmoil, greed, and straight deception, we must learn to hear God and sort through all the noise and false teaching that surrounds us. Learn to read and pray with Scriptures.

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Praying with Audacity.
Prayer Father Nicholas Napolitano Prayer Father Nicholas Napolitano

Praying with Audacity.

Our relationship with God is more important than anything we experience in relating to another human being.  Take the time for prayer, not just to be passively aware that He is there, but take the time to get to know Him.  Go back to the Advent books and learn to sit in silence with the Scriptures and hear Him.  Spend at LEAST 10 minutes each day doing nothing other than praying.  Yes, pray when you drive, garden, shower, work around the house, and go about your day, but also pray for and with intimacy.

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The Importance of Tradition.
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

The Importance of Tradition.

God is not a mere concept or abstract reality, He is a person we are to encounter.  By use of the elements He created, wine, bread, water, oil, chalk, and incense, He enters into the created world.  At the birth of Jesus on Christmas the invisible God enter the visible world.  And through the Sacraments and Sacramentals, He remains in His world. 

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Feast of the Holy Family and Baptism.
Father Nicholas Napolitano Father Nicholas Napolitano

Feast of the Holy Family and Baptism.

This Sacrament of Baptism then should be held with great reverence. It is not merely a rite of initiation, or some custom. Rather it is the rite of welcoming a child into the community of the Church. It is the moment when that person is added to the Kingdom of God and welcomed into our Family of Communion. I cannot wait to Baptize Oliver later today, it will be a great joy for me in my priesthood, for his family, and for our community of St John the Baptist Parish.

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